Camera Customer Reviews

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Playing Your First Golf Round - Part 5

In part 4 of your first golf round I touched on the 1st tee jitters and some course courtesies or etiquette. After you have hit your ball on the 1st tee along with your fellow golfers the real game begins. I will continue to elaborate on some of the golf rules and etiquette of the game as we continue down the first fairway. Note : Etiquette is defined as the courtesies extended to your fellow golfers both in your group and on the golf course and to the golf course itself, ie; being quiet and standing to the side while another player is preparing to hit their shot, yelling fore if an errant shot is going off line and maybe toward another golfer, replacing a divot which is displaced during a golf shot, etc.. When all of the players have hit their tee shots you will go to the players ball who is furthest from the green on that particular hole first.

The other players in the group or foursome, which is a common name for a group of golfers because the players are normally set up in groups of four, will stand off to the side out of the view of the player who is about to hit or address the ball. This will allow them to attain the maximum concentration without the distraction of someone off to the side talking or moving around , an important rule of golf course etiquette. You will all then proceed to hit your second shots in order of who is furthest from the green or away as referred to in golf lingo, while observing golf etiquette and no longer using a tee. The tee is the wooden or plastic accessory used to raise the ball to a desired height off the ground can only be used on the first shot on each golf hole. The subsequent shots must be played where they lie in adhering to the normal rules of golf.

In inclement conditions , after rain or where there is standing water in the fairway or rough, the ball may be lifted, cleaned and placed so that a player is not unfairly penalized for abnormal conditions they may encounter on the course any particular day. There are also winter rules and ground under repair situations whereby you may remove and replace your ball in a new location, no closer to the hole, without penalty. When you become proficient enough to play competitively or even join a golf club you must be careful to establish the rules and have everyone agree to the rules before you begin play or you may be called and penalized strokes or loss of a match because of an infraction of said rules.

When you approach your ball and prepare to hit your second shot make sure you remember to align your self to the target ahead. When the swing is executed properly many players will take a divot, which is a section of grass or turf and shoot it into the air as they complete their swing. Golf course etiquette dictates that the divot be replaced or a mixture of seed and fertilizer be poured into the spot where the divot was taken. Note: Many players, especially beginners will try to lift the ball with their club instead of hitting the ball with a descending blow which actually will cause the ball to rise up more proficiently, thus the reason the divot is taken. The correct swing for each person will come with practice under the guidance of a golf professional, whenever possible. A pro can help an individual attain a much more proficient swing in a much shorter amount of time than when self taught. You can learn yourself, as I did, but the reading and the experimentation process usually takes much longer than being taught by someone who knows how. After the second shot you will proceed to hit the ball until you reach the green , which is the tightly mowed area of grass around the flag stick or pin ( another name for the flag stick), whichever terminology you prefer. The ball will then be putted into the hole in the least amount of strokes possible, which will be discussed in Part 6.

The key to golf is to allow yourself to have fun and enjoy the game no matter what your skill level. Happy Golfing to all !

My name is Mike D'Auria and I grew up in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn. I started playing golf when I sustained a severe hamstring injury while playing softball. I have been playing for about 30 years now and have never looked back.

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